علامة خاصة

بي اس مول
With BS-MALL’s popular designs and marketing resources, our business partners, such as influencers, أصحاب العلامات التجارية, and startup makeup brush and blender businesses, can enjoy a fast launch with private label into the industry’s top lists.



علامة خاصة

100+ Trendy Design

Availability of more than 100 exclusive and popular designs that are proven and verified popularity in the market.

Persistant Updates

In addition to developing new patent models, about 30-40 design update appearances are made per year.

Marketing Advice

With experience in creating a successful brand in Amazon, we help you start and run your store successfully with operation tips.

Free Digital Rescources

Value-added services like free professional photoshoot and copywriting resources are provided for your business.


Logo Print Enhances Brand Identity

A logo on products is the priority for customers to know about you and more convenient for promotion. Therefore, BS-Mall offers a one-stop solution to customize your logo in patone color system to enhance your brand identity.

Package Levels Up Your Brand Image

To further promote your business to the next level, BS-Mall offers hundreds of package models, from budget-friendly cases to luxury boxes, based on your products style and brand identity.

Instead of a simple storage role, BS-Mall’s package have a sense of aethethics value and beautifying options to develop for your packaging goals. Kindly contact us to get an affordable catalog to set apart from others.

Would like to customize with more specifics?

Check out our contract manufacturing service from bristle to package design.

خطوات بسيطة لتصميم العلامة التجارية الخاصة بك

أخبرنا بفكرتك وسنتمكن من تحقيق أهدافك معًا خطوة بخطوة.

بعد اختيار المنتجات المفضلة لديك, سوف تحصل على عرض أسعار بناءً على فرش الماكياج, وحدات, طباعة الشعار, وطلبت خدمة الحزمة.

سيتم إرسال عينات مجانية وإثبات رقمي لفرشاة الماكياج والخلاط إليك للتأكد مما إذا كانت تلبي توقعاتك فيما يتعلق بالجودة وتفاصيل التصميم..

يعمل المحاربون القدامى ذوو الخبرة في الإنتاج الكامل والتفتيش في الداخل 10-21 أيام العمل.

سيتم تعبئة طلبك جيدًا وشحنه إليك بناءً على اختيارك للشحن البحري الفعال من حيث التكلفة أو الشحن الجوي السريع.