

Frullatore di bellezza & sbuffi


BS-MALL Beauty Sponge Set With Storage Base


BS-MALL Beauty Sponge Set With Storage Base


Unique Shape
Soft Material
Even Application
Save Cosmetics
Facile da pulire
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Centro commerciale Bs

    Introducing BS-MALL’s Beauty Sponge Set makeup blender with storage standthe ultimate tool for achieving flawless makeup application.

    The unique shape and material of the blender allow for seamless blending of foundation, correttore, and other products, while the included storage stand keeps it clean and organized.

    The non-latex material is gentle on the skin and the blender is easy to clean with soap and water.

    The storage stand is also designed to help the blender dry quickly, ensuring it’s ready to use whenever you need it.

    Trust BS-MALL’s makeup blender with storage stand to help you achieve a flawless, airbrushed finish every time.